Udemy优达Unity游戏开发大师课 - 盘搜天堂 - 搜索网盘资源的天堂!
- file:Grafixfather Thanking You.jpg
- file:5. Loading XML Files in code.srt
- file:3. Button OnClicked Logics.srt
- file:10. ADVANCED UI Manager State Transition to Options Menu.srt
- file:2. Main Menu Setup.srt
- file:11. AVANCED Improvements & Outro.srt
- file:1. Class 8 introduction.srt
- file:6. Reading Localization Data in code.srt
- file:9. ADVANCED UI Selection.srt
- file:4. XML Data, Localization Data & Localization Files setup.mp4
- file:8. Building .exe, Loading Scenes & Quitting.srt
- file:7. Setting up Text fields for Localization.srt
- file:9. Basic Multiplayer Networking Casting Sphere Logic Implementation.mp4
- file:24. Creating a Top Down MP Shooter User Interface (UI).mp4
- file:5. [Command], [ClientRPC].mp4
- file:3. NetworkManager, NetworkManagerHUD, NetworkBehaviour, NetworkIdentity.mp4
- file:4. IsLocalPlayer IsServer, NetworkTransform, NetworkTransformChild & Animator.mp4
- file:8. Basic Multiplayer Networking Controlling Individual Players using IsLocalPlayer.mp4
- file:25. Creating a Top Down MP Shooter Synchronizing Reloading & Shooting Animations.mp4
- file:Class_13_A_Scripts.rar
- file:6. Basic Multiplayer Networking Scene & Player Setup.srt
- file:2. UNet Deprication & Server Client Model.mp4
- file:6. Animator Setup.mp4
- file:3. 2D Movement using Rigidbody2D.mp4
- file:2. Creating a Unity2D Project & Setting up a Spritesheet.mp4
- file:19. Course Outro.mp4
- file:18. Entity Component System Theory.mp4
- file:16. Profiler & Performance Optimization.mp4
- file:15. Advanced Extra Features - Adding Sounds.mp4
- file:9. 2D Triggers & Collisions setup for Attack Animations.srt
- file:17. Unity Services.mp4
- file:8. Implementing AttackBehaviour & Completing Attack Animation Setup.srt
- file:7. Setting up Attack Animations.srt
- file:4. Animating Sprites.srt
- file:11. Enemy AI & Logics.mp4
- file:10. Import & Setup Enemy.mp4
- file:14. Advanced Extra Features - Implementing Player Health Logics.srt
- file:12. Applying Damage & Outro.mp4
- file:6. Importing 3D Models.mp4
- file:3. NavMesh baking & NavMesh agent.mp4
- file:10. Raycasting GameObject to GameObject.mp4
- file:11. Enums PlayerStates.mp4
- file:5. Camera Movement.srt
- file:4. Click Visualization.mp4
- file:2. Raycasting Camera to Mouse Position.mp4
- folder:Udemy优达Unity游戏开发大师课
- folder:9. CLASS 8 UI, XML, Localization, Scene Load & Build .exe
- folder:14. CLASS 13 Multiplayer Networking
- folder:16. CLASS 15 Unity2D & Advanced Unity Features
- folder:5. CLASS 4 Raycasting, Animation timeline & Animator
- folder:6. CLASS 5 Creating a Third Person Game
- folder:8. CLASS 7 Controller Input, Local Multiplayer & VFX
- folder:2. CLASS 1 Creating an Interactive Character
- folder:7. CLASS 6 Saving & Loading using PlayerPrefs
- folder:10. CLASS 9 Advanced Animations
- folder:4. CLASS 3 AI Behaviour & Navigation
- folder:13. CLASS 12 Source Control & Creating a FPS game
- folder:11. CLASS 10 Unity Editor Extensions
- folder:1. Introduction
分享时间 | 2024-08-01 |
入库时间 | 2025-03-12 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 乐观*朗的秋菊 |