《TED-Ed 科普动画》系列合集 - 盘搜天堂 - 搜索网盘资源的天堂!
- file:Why isn-t the world covered in poop - Eleanor Slade and Paul Manning.mp4
- file:Why is Mount Everest so tall - Michele Koppes.mp4
- file:Why is biodiversity so important - Kim Preshoff.mp4
- file:Why elephants never forget - Alex Gendler.mp4
- file:Why don’t poisonous animals poison themselves - Rebecca D. Tarvin.mp4
- file:Why do we kiss under mistletoe - Carlos Reif.mp4
- file:Why Can-t We See Evidence of Alien Life.mp4
- file:Questions No One Knows the Answers to.mp4
- file:How many universes are there - Chris Anderson.mp4
- file:How big is infinity - Dennis Wildfogel.mp4
- file:Hawking-s black hole paradox explained - Fabio Pacucci.mp4
- file:Why isn’t the Netherlands underwater - Stefan Al.mp4
- file:Why is glass transparent - Mark Miodownik.mp4
- file:Why is cotton in everything - Michael R. Stiff.mp4
- file:Why doesn’t anything stick to Teflon - Ashwini Bharathula.mp4
- file:Who was the world-s first author - Soraya Field Fiorio.mp4
- file:Which is stronger Glue or tape - Elizabeth Cox.mp4
- file:Will there ever be a mile-high skyscraper - Stefan Al.mp4
- file:Why do you get a fever when you-re sick - Christian Moro.mp4
- file:Why do hospitals have particle accelerators - Pedro Brugarolas.mp4
- file:Why do buildings fall in earthquakes - Vicki V. May.mp4
- file:Why do Americans vote on Tuesdays.mp4
- file:Who decides how long a second is - John Kitching.mp4
- file:Why Shakespeare loved iambic pentameter - David T. Freeman and Gregory Taylor.mp4
- file:Why is there a b in doubt - Gina Cooke.mp4
- file:Why do we- like- hesitate when we- um- speak - Lorenzo García-Amaya.mp4
- file:Who invented writing - Matthew Winkler.mp4
- file:Where do new words come from - Marcel Danesi.mp4
分享时间 | 2022-08-27 |
入库时间 | 2025-03-15 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | BDY |
分享用户 | 天**在左 |